Afrikansk husmenighet
Foto: African House Churches Network
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Jeg har tidligere postet en hilsen jeg har fått fra en ghanesisk husmenighet.
I går fikk jeg en ny hilsen fra dem. Ting synes å utvikle seg noe raskere i Afrika enn her hjemme. Nå har Daniel Azumah og hans venner tatt initiativ til et nettverk av husmenigheter som allerede har utbredning i tre afrikanske land, Ghana, Togo og Benin.
Date: Sun, 03 Sep 2006 20:50:48
From: Grace Fellowship
Subject: Greetings brother Are
To: arekarlsen@mac.com
Dear brother Are,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We pray and hope that this finds you and your family doing well. It seems that God is bringing His choosen people here in Africa to our way in miraculous ways! We have recently started a network of simple home fellowships in Africa. Already existing groups are joining this network. The network website is: www.africanhousechurches.com
We are preparing for a revival outreach programme this coming weekend at a village called Afifekope where we are starting a new church. We are expecting to see many people repentant and decide to become followers of Jesus. Please join with us for God's Glory and presence and power to be revealed, so that the name of Jesus will be Glorified!
May the Lord keep strengthening you. Please keep us in your prayers. Extend our greetings, love and thanks to your family and to the brethren there.
Your brother,
Daniel Azumah & the brethren here
Grace Home Fellowship
Box 1701 - Osu
Accra - Ghana
West Africa
Dette er mitt svar til Daniel Azumah:
Dear brother Daniel,
I am very encouraged by the good news in your last letter. I praise the Lord for what He is doing in Africa!
I am also thrilled by your global perspective! In Norway we have many ethnic, traditional churches, also African. I think the Kingdom of God needs multi-ethnic churches in order to preach the fullness of the gospel, and I also think house churches will be the better vessel for that purpose.
I recognize that your power is not based on "gold and silver", but in the Spirit of Christ. We are in need of that kind of christianity in Europe. Maybe the Lord will extend your ministry to an apostolic ministry of establishing multi-ethnic house churches in Europe?
I have published your newsletter on my blog to encourage the house church community in Norway. Take my greetings to your family and your fellowship!
Your brother,
Are Karlsen
Technorati Tags: afrika, beni, ghana, husmenighet, togo

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