torsdag, august 18, 2005

Small World Networks

Emmanuel Research Review:

Twenty-First Century Networks. In more recent times, global immigration and travel from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America to North America and Europe has created new Christian small world networks that link the vibrant Christianity in many developing countries to urban centers where immigrants have settled. This has facilitated the rapid growth of new churches in cities like Boston and London, creating what we call Quiet Revivals. While many of these long-distance links are still within single cultural groups, they have the potential to bridge across language and cultural barriers to spread the vitality of Christianity further. The strength of local clusters of immigrant Christians in America also provides the potential of sending resources and new ideas back through the long-distance links of the small world network to home countries through “Diaspora” ministries. With the current trends of increased global interaction and movement, God has provided social network structures that make it increasingly feasible to reach any person in the world with the Gospel or with ministry resources through a few relational steps.
Under min tid som adm. leder i Filadelfia, Oslo, hadde jeg gleden av å bli kjent med en rekke slike small world networks: Ghanesisk, etiopisk, eritreisk, iransk og lankesisk. Disse nettverkene var veldig internasjonale og ekspansive.
I London utgjør mennesker fra den tredje verden all vekst i kristne menigheter de siste årene. Og Europas aller største menighet drives av nigerianske pinsevenner i Kiev, Ukraina. Ikke rart at Ukraina også fikk sin politiske revolusjon og demokratisering nylig.

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